Chris and Diego’s Video

21 Apr, 2014

So what did you think of Chris and Diego’s video scene? Pretty hot right? Diego is a pretty little guy in real life when you meet him. And you wouldn’t think of him being such a wild guy in bed. But I gotta say..  I could watch this guy having sex again and again. He is one of the best tops I have had the pleasure to shoot with. And he’s got a gorgeous bum to watch too. He was over here in Australia back in March to go to Mardi Gras. So he popped in to Melbourne along the way to pay us a visit. Some time I must really go and visit him in his home town in New Zealand. It was nice to see Chris Wyld again too. It’s been a while since we have made any porn together. The tall lanky boy loves getting fucked.

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Europe Trippers

17 Apr, 2014

We are having a great time travelling through parts of Europe with my family.  Some of my family have not travelled so far from Australia before. Particularly my dad.  It’s a shame I’m not filming on this trip because I’m seeing so many gorgeous guys on the streets here in Austria.  Oh and Zac came too… it wasn’t easy convincing him to come to cold Europe instead of Palm Springs this month. This photo was taken today on the mountains high above Innsbruck.

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Italian Boys – Line Up Here!

10 Apr, 2014

You can guess by now that I love shooting with guys travelling through Melbourne. Melbourne attracts a very large number of tourists from all over the world. And why not…  it’s a beautiful city. So it quite often happens that I get to meet and shoot with people from all over the world right here at home. And I think we are blessed to see so many good looking guys. Though I’m yet to shoot with any of the backpackers from the hostel nearby yet. Angelo Rossi was actually on a working holiday, so he was in Melbourne for some time when we met.  Unfortunately it was coming close to the end of his stay. So we only got to do this one shoot together. Angelo is a gorgeous man…  totally boyfriend material there. He’s smart, cute, has a big dick…  what else could you ask for.   I hope we will meet up again some day.

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A Vacation with no Shoots?

7 Apr, 2014

Gosh, what a busy past couple of weeks it’s been. I wish I had been shooting, but I’ve actually had my head down editing all the upcoming scenes to post on the site. You see I’m heading overseas for a few weeks on a vacation with my family. So I want to pre-prepare most of the site updates for while I’m travelling. Sadly there won’t be any shooting during this trip. But that won’t stop me from scouting round for potential guys for next time.  As soon as I get back in May I’ll start filming again. There are so many guys that I want to shoot with here in Melbourne. The trip has kinda come at a bad time, but it will be great getting to show my parents some of the cities in Europe that I have been too before.  The site posts will continue as usual. And I’ll make sure I post some pics from the trip here as well.

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Hungarian Hotties

4 Apr, 2014

I can see that Zac was keeping himself very busy when we visited Munich earlier this year. He was having a bunch of guys visit him while we were checking out Germany. And I gotta say, he had some pretty dam cute guys drop in. Victor is a 20 year old Hungarian visiting from Budapest. I am always amazed at how good look the guys from Hungary are. And really nice guys too!  Victor Cerami is gorgeous looking and has got quite a big dick. You can see that he enjoys showing it off as Zac clicks around him.  Now I have another reason why I should visit Budapest again. Victor’s video scene will be posted this weekend.

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Aussie Boy Sarpa

1 Apr, 2014

Gotta say that I love my new mate Sarpa Van Rider. And I reckon my other mates are going to love him too. This 19 year Aussie from the suburbs of Melbourne had a great time modelling for me a few weeks ago. After carefully selecting his outfit (those bottom-less jocks) we took a tonne of photos. You will see that his gallery is a little larger than normal. I’m looking forward to shooting many more scenes with him this year.

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A Surprise Sunday Shoot

24 Mar, 2014

I thought I was going to get this weekend off from shooting. But when Tommy called up and said let’s get together and do a shoot, I couldn’t resist. So my Sunday ended up being pretty busy with preparing for the shoot and getting the guys together. I think I will have one more weekend left of shooting in Melbourne before my vacation with my family starts. Of course the same thing happens before every vacation, I am work my butt off getting a tonne of scenes edited so I can keep posting new stuff while I’m away. There won’t be any shooting happening on this trip. I’m going to try to make a lot more scenes with my local mates in them this year.

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Giant Phillip cums a bucket load!

21 Mar, 2014

Why are Swedish guys all so hot? I think Phillip is the second Swedish guy to appear on the site. The other is Ron Bailey…   you remember him right? Well even though our meeting in Berlin almost didn’t happen, I’m really glad I got to meet and shoot with Phillip Anderson. And I’m definitely not upset that he squirted cum all over my favourite Hollister t-shirt. Phillip had been out clubbing all night so I’m really surprised how good he looks in this shoot. And I can tell you…  he came a bucket load in his video. What a sticky mess that hotel room ended up being in. I’ll post Phillip’s video this weekend.

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Thigh High Socks

21 Mar, 2014

I was just reminded in the Member’s Lounge of my large collection of long dark socks. It’s been a while since I’ve had some on any of the guys. Then I remembered this very hot shoot with my Sydney mate Mitch Milano.  I love shooting with Mitch and I’m sad that I haven’t been to Sydney in a long time to see him. But back to the socks…  a few people have asked me where do I get these thigh high socks. Well I have to confess… they are actually woman’s thigh high socks from American Apparel.  I bought a bunch of them a few years ago. But I am always keeping an eye out for different colours to put on the guys. And I promise I’ll get the guys pulling those socks up nice and high again soon.

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The end of summer?

21 Mar, 2014

I’m a bit sad that I haven’t done as much outdoor shooting as I would liked to have done this summer in Australia. I’d like to head north this coming winter so I can get more outdoor scenes on the site this year. I really like the idea of spending some time in northern Queensland and shooting with the hot guys up there.  In the meantime, I have just posted the behind the scenes video of my shoot with Canadian hottie Shane Phillips. He looks great naked on my roof in that hot day in February.

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New mates

Alex Black
Marvin Wonder
Pedro Flows
Daniel Colton
Toby Ottoli
Ryan Ford
Pedro Leite
Drew Miller
Arki Santos
Danny Luppo
Brian Jaxom
Shane Madden

Members' favourite scenes

Playing with my cute mate Toby Ottoli
My cute mate Toby came back for a naked visit
Our fit mate Isaac jacking his big cock
Introducing our hot new mate Isaac Hunter
Getting my cute mate Felix off in his first video
First shoot with our cute new mate Felix Stone
Directing Toby Ottoli through his first photoshoot
Photographing our hot new mate Ryan Ford