You might have noticed that I’ve been slow posting updates over the past few days. But everything’s back to normal now… in fact it’s even better. Tyson and I have spent the past week testing and migrating to a new server. My jaw dropped when I first did a speed test on this server here in Australia. We are really not used to getting such fast download speeds from offshore servers. But this new server was giving me speeds up to 3 times faster than the old server. It’s really amazing. We also had some mates test it in the US and Europe. It seems to give consistantly fast speeds.
Now there was nothing wrong with the previous server company. It just all depends on location and the route that the download takes. This company just happens to be in an area that routes very quickly down to Australia. So I’m really pleased to say this morning that the moved has happened and now everyone should be seeing the site from the new server. And to celebrate I have uploaded Olly Daniels hot new video scene.
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So we’ve hit the middle of winter here in Melbourne. I’m not letting the cold dark days get me down. I don’t do a lot of shooting in the middle of winter here in Melbourne. Mostly because… of the cold and darkness. So I usually use this time of the year to make some improvements on the website. At the moment I’m working with Tyson on improving the download speeds to Australia, new pages in the public area and some new security features. And I’m working with Zac on increasing the screen size of the videos and changing formats. There is always room for improvement. So over the next few weeks I’ll write some more as I roll the changes in. In the meantime, I hope you are enjoying checking out our new mates.
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You’re probably sick of hearing me say it… but what’s with all these skinny guys and their big dicks. Ethan Cooper is totally the surprise package. I can see why Zac invited him back for a second shoot during our short stay in San Francisco. The photos look great! By the way, that’s my hotel bed he’s lying on. I didn’t know they were going to use my room.
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This could be a very long list. But as a quick stab I thought of John Pavel as I put his last photo set up yesterday. John looks amazing! I saw some old photos of him recently and he looks no where near as buff as he looks now. He’s actually a boxer in Romania, but he loved the idea of trying on the wrestling singlet when he saw it amongst the gear in my suitcase at the end of his scene. I really like muscly guys who are not too lean. Big legs, big bum, John Pavel has got it all. I hope he keeps modelling in porn. I’d like to see him doing so much more. Oh… I shot with John in Bucharest when I visited Romania earlier this year.
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Of course I couldn’t go to Palm Springs without catching up with my mate Scott Campbell over there. It was pretty funny seeing him again and fucking again just a few metres down the garden path from where we made a video together last year. I was taking photos of Scott when things quickly changed and Zac took over the shoot while I joined in with Scott. I’m just working on the video now to post this weekend.
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I’ve been sitting on this news for a few weeks now. It was just yesterday that my vacation time from my day job got approved by my boss. So my mate Zac and I are heading to America! We ummed and ahhhed over lots of places in Europe, Asia and the US, and finally decided to head back to the states. Specifically Chicago and New York. It’s been almost 2 years since I’ve been back to the big apple and I can’t wait! As usual it can only be a quick trip, so we will spend a week in each place. I’m hoping to catch up with some old friends there as well as make some new ones. Oops… this is all happening in August. So it will be nice to trade some of Australia’s winter for some of America’s summer. Gee… I wonder how hot it gets over there in August? I will post more about the travel plan soon.
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I’m pretty excited about finally posting this shoot today. I didn’t get to see Tim Loux much when he was staying in Melbourne. A second shoot was organised between Tim and Marco. But Tim fell sick and was unable to come back for another scene. I’m glad I did get him over for this shoot on the roof. It was a pretty hot day so it was perfect for getting naked outside. Tim had no problem being naked in the middle of the city. I think he enjoyed getting up on those crates and showing his little bum off to the world. I’m glad that I go to play with him during his video scene too. I hope we see Tim doing a lot more porn in the future.
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I’m really surprised at how many people are enjoying the shoots I do because of the guys wearing the long socks. I had no idea that I was so in to put guys in to long socks until I realised how many of the soccer and long sports socks I have collected. I gotta say that the guys do look pretty hot in them. So as a treat I’ve dug up some of my favourite shots of the guys wearing the long socks. And since people seem to like it… I’ll keep getting the guys to pull them up high.
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Harry Louis

Geoffrey Paine

Derek Reynolds

Donovan Rivera


Edu Ribero

Anthony Blaize

Andy Lee

Astoboi Selaby

Brad Thomas

Gustavo Diaz

Cigano Da Cruz

Conner Habib

Cristopher Garcia

Daniel Carrera

Lincoln Ashby

Rocco Milano

Aiden Bailey

Rafael Carreras

Eligh Rainer

Robbie Price

Tate Ryder

Mitch Milano

Tim Loux

Tim Loux

Leo Rocca

Vinny Picasso

Rich Santana

Paulo Massa

It’s about time I got Jeffry’s shoot from Budapest posted up. It’s taken me a while to get all the shoots from earlier this year, but I’m getting close to being caught up. I’ve gotta admit that I have a bit of a crush on this Hungarian hottie Jeffry Branson after I first saw him appear in a Colt video late last year. He was a little apprehensive about modelling for me. I’d be a bit suspicious of someone travelling all the way from Australia to eastern Europe to meet me too. I was pretty happy with the shoot with Jeffry. My only regret is letting him leave the cap on for half of the shoot when it was making his face dark under the lights. I was glad that he turned it around in the video so we can see his face clearly. I really hope I get to shoot with him again sometime. He’s a really nice guy.
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