What a busy week it has been in London! As well as catching up with some friends there we were shooting like crazy. Since we had a couple of rooms we started shooting scenes at the same time to make the most of our time here. I think I could shoot quite a lot of guys in London. There are so many sexy men here! I can see now why my mates like coming here. I’m typing this at Heathrow airport today as we make our way down to Barcelona. I can’t wait to see the apartment I rented there and start shooting some hot Spanish men. I remember when we went to Barcelona a couple of years ago. It was a really fun time.

There is never enough time spent in New York. But by the time we left I was exhausted. I was really happy that the hotel extended the check out on our rooms to 4pm. It gave me a chance to get in a nap before taking the overnight 6 hour flight to London. I shot quite a lot of guys in New York as well as meeting up with my friends there, going to parties and doing a ton of shopping. We are in London now and the shooting has already begun. I can’t get over how beautiful the guys are here! My jaw is on the ground as we are walking around. I can see why all my mates love coming here. I’ll post more on our stay in London soon.

My days in New York have been filled with organising models, eating, touring, shopping and having sex. I think I’ve had more sex here than I had in the later half of 2011. But who could blame me with all these sexy guys coming round for their shoots. I was actually nice to shoot with some of the guys I have shot with before and also find some hot new guys. My hotel room has gotten a big work out. I’m now looking forward to the long plane ride back over to Europe where we will finish our European tour before we head back to the summer in Australia.

It’s our last day in New York. We’ve had a fun and busy time here. I managed to squeeze in a lot of sites, a lot of shopping and a lot of big cocks. We were really looking to score large hotel rooms in the midtown area. I was mostly impressed by the huge bathrooms. So you’re gonna see a lot of shower scenes coming up soon. I was also really impressed by the big dicks I found here. Some of the guys had never done porn before and some do it regularly, so it was nice to find a good mix of guys. Oh… and of course I got a few sexy black guys in too. I’m absolutely gaga over sexy black American men. I will start posting these shoots when I get back to Australia.

The main reason for making a side trip to New York from our European vacation was to spend New Years Eve in the big apple. Most people were heading to Times Square to see the ball drop. But we were headed to a masked underwear party further downtown. I’d been on the mailing list for these parties for quite a long time. So it was fun to go and see what they were about. Porn star Ben Andrews was there as well as about a hundred other guys. I’ve always wanted to meet him and shoot him. Unfortunately he doesn’t want to model for me. And a few other big dick guys were dancing naked in the small party space. Shortly after midnight things got very horny and there was sex going on everywhere! There was so many cute guys sucking on my dick. A big guy with a huge cock walked over and squirted cum over me. What a great way to bring in the new year! I wish we had parties like this back in Australia.

…and the big dicks. I love coming back to New York to shoot with the guys here. I’m always amazed by the beautiful guys and their beautiful big dicks. I’ve pretty much got all the visits with friends out of the way now and there’s nothing left to do but shoot a whole lot of guys for the site. So far the guys have been pretty amazing. It’s just a few days now until we leave to fly back to the UK.

I would normally do some kind of year wrap up now showing all the best of 2011. But since I’m travelling now I don’t have access to all the shoot content at home. So I will have to catch up on that when I get back to Australia.
But in the meantime we have been kept very busy here in New York. I’m shooting loads of guys. We took NYE off to attend an underwear (sex) party in Manhattan. It’s been a long time since I have seen so much sex going on in a small space. We had a lot of fun and wished we had such parties in Australia. I’m also catching with some of the hot guys I have shot before, like Rich Santana above. I love his long cock! And I’ll also try to post some of the vacation pics here shortly too.
I hope everyone had a fun and safe NYE. I’m looking forward to sharing a fun filled 2012 with you.

We are having a great Christmas here in Berlin. The city got a little quiet on Christmas Eve, as it turns out, that’s when the Germans celebrate their Christmas. But I have managed to fit in some shooting with some sexy guys, lots of Christmas shopping and lots of eating. The guys here are so dam hot! I’ve been to Berlin a few times now. But being here for Christmas has been pretty cool. There are just a couple of days left here now before we jet off again.

I only just got this shoot up in time for Christmas. I almost cancelled our Christmas shoot this year. With the big trip coming up and being so close to Christmas it was crazy getting everyone together to shoot this scene. It worked out very well and was a lot of fun to make. But gees Brent makes a lot of noise as he’s getting stuffed with cocks from both ends!
It’s been a really fun year shooting loads of scenes for the site. I think we are getting close to 1000 updates on the site now. I really appreciate everyone who has joined the site. It’s your membership fees that help keep the site going and your kind comments that motivates us to shoot more. I hope everyone is happy a nice and relaxing Christmas and holidays with your friends and family. I am in Berlin today spending Christmas with one of my best mates and a couple of other travellers having lunch and visiting the Berlin zoo. It’s going to be a really nice day.