Our visit to Budapest hasn’t all been about Christmas shopping and hot red wine. We have actually been shooting a lot more guys than we expected. There are just so many good looking guys here! So we invited a few around to our hotel to strip off and show us what they’ve got. And as it turns out… they’ve got a lot!
We are going to have a couple of days off now in Berlin before we start shooting again. I’m really impressed by the guys we’ve found. It’s made it a really fun trip so far.

You will noticed that there hash’t been an update for a few days. That’s because I’ve been making my way to Europe. After 4 flights and 38 hours of travelling, we finally arrived in Budapest. I always seem to forget how far Australia is from Europe when I plan these trips. But we made it and I’m so glad we came to Budapest. This place is beautiful! And right near our hotel is where the Christmas markets are being held. I tried the hot red wine. I think it’s an “acquired” taste. Oh… and the guys here are drop dead beautiful. I can’t wait till be start shooting. And the updates will start again shortly. In the meantime I’ll stick some updates up on here as we travel around.

What a nice surprise it was this week to receive a Christmas card from Harry Louis. I only met Harry once on a cold morning in Berlin last year. I actually get pretty shy around porn stars and even though I knew he was coming over I was kinda hoping he wouldn’t show up. I was really nervous about meeting him and shooting with him. I’m sure he is used to much more elaborate shoots than the ones that I do. So I was in for a big surprise. Harry is actually an exceptionally nice guy! The shoot in Berlin went really well and I’d wished that we were both there longer so we could hang out some more. Now I’m hoping we will meet up again on this trip to Europe.

I love this shot by Zac taken of our new mate Zach Richards out on the roof. The days are hot and perfectly bright now which is perfect for shooting outdoors. It’s almost a shame that we are going to spend the next few weeks up in Europe. But I’m sure the hot guys up there will make up for the few lost weeks of summer. I’m really excited about the trip. We have just a few days left before we leave now.

A little bit of sad news today. Our mate Tate Ryder has packed up and moved to London. Okay, so I knew it was coming for a little while. So we managed to get to together and shoot a couple of more scenes before he left. On the first day of summer a couple of weeks ago we shot this scene on my rooftop in the city. Tate looks really hot as he strips out of those little white shorts to reveal his perfect round bum in a jockstrap. Then he got completely naked and worked himself hard. We’re going to miss Tate a lot. He is always a lot of fun to shoot with.

With just one week left till we leave for Europe I’m busier than ever this weekend getting caught up on editing all the shoots from the past couple of months. I would rather be shooting, but I had no idea how far behind I had gotten in getting the updates on to the site. So I edited a stack of videos (both new and remastered) to post over the coming weeks. This will free my time up a bit to meet new guys as we travel about.

I’m getting the guys to shoot each other a little more now while I take photos. In this recent shoot I got Tate Ryder to film Marco’s photo shoot. Tate is a teaser and was ribbing Marco during this scene and kept making him laugh. The video that Tate made is posted today in the Behind the Scenes section of the members area.

I wish I had seen this map when we were planning our trip to Europe.

While I’m remastering all of the older videos it seemed like an appropriate time to post the new higher definition and larger version of the Christmas 3-way I shot with Chad and Troy a couple of years ago. From what started out to be a pretty silly shoot turned in to one of the hottest videos on the site. Santa and his Elf break in to Troy’s bedroom and tie him up before pounding him with their cocks. It’s definitely one of my top 10 favourite videos on the site. Troy cops a huge load of cum from Santa.

You’re gonna love our newest mate Bailey. He met up with Zac a couple of weeks ago to do some photo sets and his first video. Bailey is really cute, a really sweet guy, and just you wait till you see that perfect bum. Zac told me that Bailey was a lot of fun to shoot with and we should get him back for more scenes with the other guys. I’m sure he’s going to be a big hit with the members and our mates.